Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell, Jesus, Hell & Religion

I love Rosie, I love Jesus, but what I don't understand is why people think that if you are gay you are automatically going to Hell!! LOL, it's too funny... Jesus is love, and a great man... Being gay is not a choice nor is it something we can turn off and on! A true Christian does not judge one and does not tell someone how to believe! Here are some questions Rosie gets on her blog daily!!

1)Kelly!!!!! writes:

Why are you rejecting Jesus? He is your ONLY Saviour and the ONLY way to Heaven. Don't take a chance because you could die tomorrow and it will be too late. Eternity is a long time to be in HELL!

Rosie replies:

u worry about ur hell
and i will worry about mine
jesus is about love
fear not

2)Kristi writes:

Jesus died for all of us, including you. We receive eternal life through Him.

Rosie replies:

u recieve that kristi
i understand

3)bj writes:

Ro, Jesus is only TRUTH, read John. If bad things happen in NY again, need some gold and go upward in boat. My hubbie does not think US will survive thru tribulation after rapture. luv me

Rosie replies:

waiting for rapture ?

hard 2 imagine

4)Debbie writes:

Only Jesus can save your soul from eternal damnation!

Rosie replies:

u cant know
what my soul needs

ur soul can only be saved with jesus
let that be ur only concern

I have to sit back and think why people who are "SO Called Christians" have to push their beliefs on us!! I always say I chose to be gay the same day you chose to be straight! Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Ann Coulter, George Bush and a few others are very anti-gay! Gays have a hard enough time in the world, but we are people just like everyone else... we could be your neighbour, your pastor, your banker, your teacher, etc... But please don't tell someone they are going to Hell because they don't believe the way you do! I would never force Reincarnation on someone or tell G.W. he would be a rat in his next life! Nuff said it's almost the second decade of the 21st Century! Just remember Tammy Faye was a great Christian woman who loved Gays and accepted us and her son is a great preacher who accepts us too!! Thank you God for the good honest Christians!!

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