Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy Weekend

Happy Weekend everyone, I hope and trust that you all do something fun and do something that inspires you to be happy and make others happy!! The key is to treat others like you want to be treated... For example... I drive on a toll road and have an EZ Pass (Which I pay so much a month on) A very nice lady let me ahead of her due to the traffic congestion so I paid her toll for her... Also another example, my sister and I went to dinner one afternoon at a local restaurant and there was this little old lady behind us and I told the cashier to put her bill on mine... Sometimes little acts of Kindness will make someone's day...I believe in Karma, and I believe what goes around comes around... so if you do bad things to people, bad things will follow you... it may not be today, tomorrow, or next month, but eventually the Universe will catch up with you... And don't do acts of kindness expecting good things to happen either... do them to teach and share to others that this is what life is about... we are all on this Earth for a reason and we must make the best of it while we are here... So enjoy your weekend and try to have some fun!! xo Mike Penn

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